Sonneratia griffithii  Kurz.
Sonneratia griffithii  Kurz. 

Medium tree, upto 15 m high, deliquiscent spreading branches and occasionally drooping branches, evergreen , woody, erect perennial 
Bark deep brownish or pale brown, young trees hairy smooth barked but after maturity it becomes fissured. 
Pneumatophores with tapering ends arising from the horizontal roots in rows 
Leaves simple, exstipulate, opposite decussate, cauline, short petiolate 
Petiole 0.1 cm - 0.3 cm long, pulvinous, glabrous, green, insignificant, terete 
Lamina obovate, entire, round apex, cuneate base, fleshy 5 cm - 10 cm x 3 cm - 6 cm glabrous, shining, dorsiventral in ventral side, greenish midrib, veins conspicuous in dorsal side, unicostate, reticulate venation 
Inflorescence solitary cyme, branched , having terminal solitary flowers 
Flowers ebracteate, pedicellate, pedicel short, terete, greenish, glabrous, solid, shining 
Flower bisexual, incomplete, actinomorphic, whitish green 
Sepals 6 - 8 gamosepalous, attached with globose ovary 
Stamens numerous, free, filament long, white, glabrous, round, soft, basifixed, exerted, showy 
Carpels 6, syncarpous, ovary glabrous, multilocular, having numerous ovules in each locule, axile placentation 
Style 1, terminal, soft, terete, greenish, glabous, persistent in fruit, stigma 1 round in globule 
Fruit globose berry, terminally into short stylar beak, partly enclosed by persistent green calyx at base; seeds numerous, angular, light brown in colour. 
Germination epigeal, modified epigeal but not viviparous.